Tuesday, November 25, 2008

KYA BDAY Celebration

The General Assembly of KYA concluded by a fun and exciting celebration of their 12 years anniversary of creating hope for Cambodia by helping the Khmer Youth to be part of the decision making process. It was started by the opening remarks by the new elected president of KYA and Cake slicing of all the key founders and officers of the organizations. It was followed by lovely dinner full of delicious Khmer cuisines that made all its guests and members more happy since it is eating time....

Several messages from out going President and key founders of the organization sent their message of solidarity and support that challenged all its members to continue the very purpose of the organization. They also promised to continue supporting the organization the best way that they can and remain loyal to the cradle of the organization.

Asian Youth Network was very happy to see all these committed young individuals where energies and dedication are beyond compare. The voice of hope for Cambodia's future is here and shouting that made the environment full of fun and excitement.

The fight to push the National Youth Policy for Cambodia is just beginning and AYN is confident that with a strong partnership and collaboration among its members we will learn a lot from each other which will help all our works to become more effective and successful. We hope that National Council of Swedish Youth Organization will continue to support us in this endeavour and we also hope that more partners will appreciate and value the work that we are doing. Let us continue fighting for a genuine youth development because it is the only hope to ensure that there is a better tomorrow for all of us....

Rior Santos (Mr)
Asian Youth Network Coordinator for 2008
Networking and Advocacy Coordinator
Youth for Sustainable Development Assembly Philippines

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